14 November 2023, by Billy Boss

What Do You Really Mean When You Say, "I AM FINE"


Do you know that “I am fine” is the most told lie in the English language? It is usually used when someone is, in fact, not fine but they say “I am fine” because they don’t want to burden others and it’s easier to explain than what’s wrong, would you agree?

F.I.N.E is said to stand for “Feeling Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional”, and can also be “Feeling I’m Nothing to Everyone” or “Feeling Inadequate, Needing Encouragement”. Whatever your definition of FINE may be most of us would just lie and say “I am FINE”, because it’s an easy way out.

Then why do we say “I am fine” when clearly, we’re not:

  • Not sure of what you really feel
  • Pretending to be okay
  • To avoid conflicts
  • Scared to tell what you're really feeling


Only those who identify with these feelings can truly understand the agony behind the words “I am fine.”

The next time someone asks how you are, think about the response you’re already anticipating. What if we didn’t settle for “fine”? What if we stop, take a moment, and answer with true sincerity how I’m doing? Or better yet, tell them how you’re feeling. We could all benefit from slowing down and honestly evaluating how we are doing.


The Science of Confidence with Alyssa Dver



Introducing The Boss Confidence: Your Starting Point for Personal and Professional Success Journey

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21 November 2023, by Billy Boss

Introducing the Boss Confidence: Your Starting Point for Personal and Professional Success Journey


Welcome to The Boss Confidence Podcast, where I, Billy, invite you on an intimate journey toward self-discovery and empowerment. In this first official episode, I share the raw, unfiltered story of my personal struggles and triumphs, embracing imperfections and finding humour in life's quirks. From battling language barriers to mistaking 'hookers' for 'hangers,' this podcast is a blend of real talk and genuine laughter.

Join me as we explore the heart of The Boss Confidence Podcast – accepting ourselves as beautifully imperfect beings. We delve into the fear of rejection, the power of starting before you feel ready, and the transformative impact of taking small, intentional steps toward growth.

As we navigate through my personal transformation, I open up about a pivotal moment – the day I wrote a commitment letter to break free from the chains of fear and medications. Reflect with me on the importance of reverse engineering our steps and taking control of our lives, making this podcast not just informational but truly transformational.

Noted Timestamps:

  • [00:02:08 - 00:05:04] - I open up about my challenges, overcoming fears, and the warmth of your invitation into your busy world.
  • [00:05:04 - 00:10:09] - Let's dive deep into why imperfections make us beautifully imperfect. I share my struggle with language, and the importance of having a good laugh.
  • [00:10:25 - 00:16:49] - Explore the heart of the podcast – accepting who you are. Learn why starting before you're ready is crucial, the fear of rejection, and how small steps lead to transformative growth.
  • [00:16:49 - 00:25:55] - Walk with me through my personal transformation, the turning point when I wrote a commitment letter to myself, promising to break free from the chains of fear and medications.
  • [00:25:55 - 00:31:38] - Discover the power of reflection, reverse engineering your steps, and the importance of taking control of your life. This is not just a podcast; it's a transformational journey.

Do not miss anything!

Get access to the "MY COMMITEMENT JOURNEY" free guide.



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Links mentioned in this episode:


What Do You Really Mean When You Say,


The Winning Formula for Success - What It Really Requires with Melissa Dunbar