14 November 2023, by Billy Boss

What Do You Really Mean When You Say, "I AM FINE"


Do you know that “I am fine” is the most told lie in the English language? It is usually used when someone is, in fact, not fine but they say “I am fine” because they don’t want to burden others and it’s easier to explain than what’s wrong, would you agree?

F.I.N.E is said to stand for “Feeling Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional”, and can also be “Feeling I’m Nothing to Everyone” or “Feeling Inadequate, Needing Encouragement”. Whatever your definition of FINE may be most of us would just lie and say “I am FINE”, because it’s an easy way out.

Then why do we say “I am fine” when clearly, we’re not:

  • Not sure of what you really feel
  • Pretending to be okay
  • To avoid conflicts
  • Scared to tell what you're really feeling


Only those who identify with these feelings can truly understand the agony behind the words “I am fine.”

The next time someone asks how you are, think about the response you’re already anticipating. What if we didn’t settle for “fine”? What if we stop, take a moment, and answer with true sincerity how I’m doing? Or better yet, tell them how you’re feeling. We could all benefit from slowing down and honestly evaluating how we are doing.


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04 June 2024, by Billy Boss

The Ultimate Transformation Challenge [5-Part Series] Part 1 - The T.R.U.T.H. Framework For Any Transformation


Are you ready to transform your life? Welcome to Part 1 of our 5-Part Series, "The Ultimate Transformation Challenge." In this episode, we dive deep into the T.R.U.T.H. Framework for Any Transformation.

When I began my journey, I realised that the truth was I am capable. I had the power to take control of my life, to be responsible for myself, and to reach out for support when needed. But the big question remained: Do you really want it? Do you truly want to change something in your life? Because if you do, you'll keep searching for solutions, no matter how many times you've tried something in the past and it didn’t work.

Here are the highlights I will share:

  • Facing Your Truth: How to peel back the layers and uncover your true potential.
  • Embracing Self-Responsibility: Realising your capability to take control and be responsible for your life.
  • Seeking and Accepting Support: Understanding the importance of reaching out and utilising the support around you.

If you're ready to confront your truths and take the first steps towards genuine transformation, this episode is for you. Embrace your capabilities, seek support, and discover how the T.R.U.T.H. Framework can help you achieve the change you desire.

Tune in now and start your journey towards a life filled with authenticity and empowerment!

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The Unknowingly Negative Result of Saying "I Am Fine"


The Ultimate Transformation Challenge [5-Part Series] Part 2 - Step by Step to Root Cause Discovery