14 November 2023, by Billy Boss

What Do You Really Mean When You Say, "I AM FINE"


Do you know that “I am fine” is the most told lie in the English language? It is usually used when someone is, in fact, not fine but they say “I am fine” because they don’t want to burden others and it’s easier to explain than what’s wrong, would you agree?

F.I.N.E is said to stand for “Feeling Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional”, and can also be “Feeling I’m Nothing to Everyone” or “Feeling Inadequate, Needing Encouragement”. Whatever your definition of FINE may be most of us would just lie and say “I am FINE”, because it’s an easy way out.

Then why do we say “I am fine” when clearly, we’re not:

  • Not sure of what you really feel
  • Pretending to be okay
  • To avoid conflicts
  • Scared to tell what you're really feeling


Only those who identify with these feelings can truly understand the agony behind the words “I am fine.”

The next time someone asks how you are, think about the response you’re already anticipating. What if we didn’t settle for “fine”? What if we stop, take a moment, and answer with true sincerity how I’m doing? Or better yet, tell them how you’re feeling. We could all benefit from slowing down and honestly evaluating how we are doing.


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02 July 2024, by Billy Boss

The Ultimate Transformation Challenge [5-Part Series] Part 5 - Anchor for Success Personality & Professionally


Welcome to the last episode of our 5-Part Series: The Ultimate Transformation Challenge – Anchor for Success Personality & Professionally. This episode dives into the heart of achieving your goals through small, consistent actions.

This episode is all about identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs that hold you back. We often create from a place of our current self-beliefs, which might not align with our goals. It's time to reframe those beliefs and envision a new, empowered version of yourself.

One personal example: I committed to drinking water and taking my supplements daily. Running extensive distances was a challenge, but I knew it was crucial for my growth. Similarly, what are the small, daily actions you can take to move towards your goals? Even if it's something you don’t enjoy, like getting up earlier or doing strength work, consistency is key. Track your progress, reflect on what you’re missing, and address any underlying beliefs that might be holding you back.

In this episode, I will share:

  • How to prioritise personal reflection and growth amidst your busy schedules.

  • The importance of small, consistent actions for achieving your goals.

  • Strategies to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that may hinder your progress. 

Remember, kindness to yourself is essential. Many of us have experienced toxic relationships or difficult circumstances, but we must break the cycle of self-sabotage. Embrace the small, meaningful steps and allow yourself the time to learn and grow.

Join us in this final episode to solidify your transformation. You've got all the tools you need to succeed—now it's time to put them into action.

Check out these links for you:

🔗 Vision for Success – To help you get started, download this one-pager here.

🔗 Waitlist – Join the waitlist and take the first step towards lasting change.

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The Ultimate Transformation Challenge [5-Part Series] Part 4 - Vision for Success


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